In the realm of Feng Shui, colors play a significant role in enhancing luck and promoting well-being. By incorporating auspicious colors into yourdaily attire, you can harness their positive energies to attract abundance, harmony, and success.
Tomorrow's Lucky Colors
Black, navy blue (water element) - Promotes success and joy
White, silver, light gray (metal element) - Enhances collaboration and shared benefits
Red, purple, pink, magenta (fire element) - Brings challenges but also rewards
Yellow,caramel, coffee, brown (earth element) - Enhances stability and brings gradual success
Daily Feng Shui Color Matching
To optimize your fortune on a daily basis, consider the following color combinations based on the Five Elements theory:
Green or blue
tops promote smooth sailing and a positive mood.
Black or dark blue
garments favor partnerships and shared gains.
Earthy tones
like caramel, coffee, or dark gray may require extra effort but will yield rewards.
Avoid white, silver, or light gray
as they may bring minor setbacks despite potential gains.
Refrain from wearing red, purple, magenta, or pink
as they can hinder progress.
Today's Almanac
Four Pillars:
Xin Chou
Jia Wu
Ji Si
Jia Zi
Auspicious Fortunes:
Avoid moving household items.
Lucky numbers: 3, 1, 4
Wear black or green shoes for good luck.
Consume mung bean porridge for auspiciousness.
Upon leaving home, take nine deep breaths facing the east and caress your hair four times to enhance fortune.
Walking towards the east will bring good fortune throughout the day.
Bring two radishes home to maintain financial abundance.
For those with weak financial luck, collect firewood from four corner roads and burn paper in the northwest to attract wealth.
Avoid weeding or cutting down trees.
Avoid consuming pork, beef, round fish, or wide-bodied fish as they may deplete wealth, weaken vitality, or attract negative energy.
Finding Your Lucky Color
To determine yourmost auspicious color, follow these steps:
Identify your五行 (Five Elements) type:
Use your Chinese zodiac sign to determine your五行 element (wood, fire, earth, metal, water).
Find your三合 (Three Harmonies) zodiac animals:
These three animals represent your most compatible elements.
Choose a color corresponding to your三合 animals:
For example, if your五行 element is wood and your三合 animals are the rat, dragon, and monkey (water element), choosing a golden-hue (metal element) for your phone or other items can enhance your運勢 (fortune).
By following these simple guidelines, you can incorporate the power of colors into your daily routine and attract more abundance, harmony, and success into your life.